94% would buy Daysy again
A customer satisfaction survey of more than 6,000 Daysy users shows how they got to know Daysy, what convinced them to buy Daysy and which factors they value most.
In 2023, we conducted a survey of Daysy users and received feedback from more than 6,000 users from a total of 40 countries. Our customer survey mainly serves as a basis to incorporate your wishes and criticisms into future updates and products.
Almost 2,500 of English-speaking users participated in the survey: Most respondents were from the US (43.6%), followed by the Netherlands (17.8%) and Israel (5.8%). Two-thirds of users (62.3%) were between 25 and 34 years old.
More than 50% of participants have been using Daysy for more than a year.
92% of all Daysy accounts remain active after one year.
83.9 per cent of respondents use their Daysy daily, 12.3 per cent at least 4-5 times a week (incidentally, the more data Daysy receives, the better its calculations will be). The number of those measuring less than four times a week is very small at 3.8 per cent - an indication that morning measurements can be easily integrated into daily life, regardless of occupation and lifestyle.
More than a third of respondents (32.1 per cent) discovered Daysy through friends.
Satisfied users indicate
Easy to use - Simple and easy to measure and confirm menstrual days.
Saving money - One-time expense with a free DaysyDay app.
Conscious choice - Rechargeable battery
Understanding the DaysyDay app and the DaysyDay Partner app
95 per cent said the information on Daysy helps them gain a good understanding of their fertility and how the product works, which is great to see - after all, our goal is to give you as much useful information as possible so you have a good basis for making your own decisions.
The majority of users (59.9%) made the decision to purchase Daysy together with their partner. The partner can be actively involved in cycle monitoring at any time via the DaysyDay partner app. Through the settings in the DaysyDay app, you decide which data you want to share and with whom. Of course, the same high level of data protection as in the DaysyDay app also applies here.
More than 94% of users would buy Daysy again

Three out of four women are very satisfied with Daysy: on a scale of 1 (disappointing) to 6 (very satisfied), more than 70 per cent of respondents give their Daysy experience a 5 (32.7%) or a 6 (41.1%). Only 2.3 per cent are not at least satisfied (3 or higher) with their Daysy.
On the scale of 1 - 6, Daysy and the app score high

Respondents' satisfaction with the experience of the DaysyDay app is similarly positive: here, the average satisfaction is 4.8.
Rating of features in the app
Users are most happy with:
Calendar overview (69.8%)
Temperature curve (66.3%)
Forecast (46.4%)
Intuitive, useful and quality:
When asked how they associate Daysy, 68.9 per cent pointed to its good investment, 62.5 per cent think Daysy is easy to use, 52.8 per cent praised its understandability and 42.2 per cent its accuracy.
Customer service help
More than 93 per cent of users who contacted customer service during their "Daysy career" were successfully helped with their request.
Customer service quality
On a scale of 1 (disappointing) to 6 (very satisfactory), more than 83 per cent of respondents rated their experience with Daysy a 5 (19.9 per cent) or a 6 (62.4 per cent). Only 0.1 per cent were not satisfied (3) with customer service.
Experiences with our fertility tracker summarised
Many women report that using the Daysy has changed their self-image and therefore her life.
Cycle tracking with the daily measurement of basal body temperature in the morning is simple and gives instant information. Knowing when ovulation occurs or when your next period is will help you with childbearing and if it is not yet due, but it also helps you to be prepared for your period.
Recognising which cycle phase affects you individually can eliminate stress. Knowing when the body needs more energy or when exercise is less efficient helps to understand and deal with our own body's signals.
The ease of use of the Daysy, the instant display of fertile and non-fertile days and also the announcement of menstruation after getting up gives very simple information about the current cycle day.
Daysy is easy to use and only requires daily temperature readings and menstrual input to display fertility status.
Daysy can be used for family planning by helping users determine their fertile days thus also helping timing for pregnancy.
Daysy can be seen as a one-time investment; the DaysyDay app is free.
Environmentally friendly
Daysy is rechargeable and produces little waste